Different Ways to get rid of Milia (Those little white dots)

moisturising to prevent Milia

Milia, those tiny white dots that appear on the skin, can be frustrating to deal with. These harmless cysts are caused by dead skin cells getting trapped in the pores. While milia can resolve on their own over time, some individuals prefer to speed up the process. Let’s look at various methods to effectively get rid of milia and achieve a smoother complexion. From gentle home remedies to professional treatments, we’ll provide you with an array of options to choose from.


Regular exfoliation is a fundamental step in combating milia. By removing dead skin cells, you can prevent further blockage of the pores and encourage milia to disappear. When exfoliating, opt for gentle products specifically designed for sensitive skin. Chemical exfoliants containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) can effectively unclog pores and promote cell turnover. Avoid harsh scrubs, as they can cause skin irritation. Instead, consider using a soft facial brush or a mild exfoliating cleanser. Remember to exfoliate only once or twice a week to prevent overstimulation of the skin.


Maintaining proper skin hydration is crucial for preventing milia. Dry skin can contribute to the formation of milia, so it’s essential to moisturize regularly. Choose non-comedogenic moisturizers that won’t clog your pores. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides, which help to lock in moisture. Applying a lightweight moisturizer twice a day can improve the overall condition of your skin and reduce the appearance of milia. Additionally, using a humidifier in your home can increase moisture levels in the air, benefiting your skin’s hydration.


Retinoids, derived from vitamin A, are renowned for their ability to unclog pores and accelerate cell turnover. These compounds can be particularly effective in treating milia. Over-the-counter retinol creams or prescription-strength retinoids can help break down the buildup of dead skin cells, reducing milia formation. However, it’s important to note that retinoids can be harsh on the skin, so start with a lower concentration and gradually increase as tolerated. Additionally, always use sunscreen when using retinoids as they can increase sun sensitivity.

Extraction by a Professional

For persistent or stubborn milia, it may be best to seek professional help. Dermatologists or licensed estheticians have the necessary skills and tools to safely extract milia. They will use a sterilized needle or a small lancet to gently pierce the skin and remove the trapped keratin. Professional extraction minimizes the risk of scarring or infection associated with at-home attempts. It is crucial to have a trained professional perform this procedure to ensure safe and effective removal.

hyaluronic acid to get rid of Milia

Avoidance of Heavy Cosmetics Some cosmetics can exacerbate milia or make them more noticeable. Heavy creams, foundations, and oily products can contribute to pore blockage and hinder milia resolution. Opt for oil-free or non-comedogenic cosmetics, labeled as suitable for acne-prone or sensitive skin. These products are less likely to cause further pore congestion and can help prevent the development of new milia. When removing makeup, use gentle cleansers or micellar water to ensure thorough cleansing without irritation.

While milia can be bothersome, there are various strategies available to help eliminate these little white dots. Consistent exfoliation, proper moisturization, and the use of retinoids can all contribute to reducing milia formation.

For stubborn cases, seeking professional extraction from a dermatologist or esthetician can provide safe and effective removal. Additionally, avoiding heavy cosmetics that can clog pores and worsen milia is crucial for preventing their recurrence.

Remember, patience is key when treating milia, as they may take time to fade away. By incorporating these approaches into your skincare routine, you can work towards achieving a smoother and clearer complexion, free from milia.