Apple Cider Vinegar Weight loss & Health Benefits

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What is Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made from apples. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat various health conditions. Recently, it has gained popularity as a natural health tonic due to its numerous health benefits.

  1. Helps in Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar has been found to help in weight loss. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to suppress appetite, increase metabolism, and burn fat. According to a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, participants who consumed apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks showed a significant reduction in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference.

  1. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Apple cider vinegar has been found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance. According to a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, consuming apple cider vinegar before a meal can reduce postprandial glucose and insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

  1. Improves Digestion

Apple cider vinegar has been found to improve digestion by increasing stomach acid production. The pectin in Apple cider vinegar helps to soothe the digestive system and reduce inflammation. ACV also helps to promote the growth of good gut bacteria, which is essential for optimal digestion.

  1. Boosts Immune System

Apple cider vinegar has been found to boost the immune system. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that help to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help to prevent foodborne illnesses.

  1. Improves Skin Health

Apple cider vinegar has been found to improve skin health. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH of the skin and reduce inflammation. ACV also helps to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells, which can lead to clearer and brighter skin.

  1. Relieves Sore Throat

Apple cider vinegar has been found to be effective in relieving a sore throat. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to kill the bacteria that cause sore throat. According to a study published in the Journal of Dentistry, gargling with apple cider vinegar can help to reduce the symptoms of a sore throat.

  1. Reduces Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar has been found to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver and increase the excretion of cholesterol through feces. According to a study published in the Journal of Membrane Biology, consuming apple cider vinegar for eight weeks can significantly reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

  1. Improves Heart Health

Apple cider vinegar has been found to improve heart health. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow. According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, consuming apple cider vinegar for eight weeks can significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension.

  1. Relieves Acid Reflux

Apple cider vinegar has been found to relieve acid reflux. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH of the stomach and reduce the production of stomach acid. According to a study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, consuming apple cider vinegar can improve the symptoms of acid reflux.

  1. Fights Cancer

Apple cider vinegar has been found to have anticancer properties. The acetic acid in Apple cider vinegar helps to kill cancer cells and prevent the growth of new cancer cells. According to a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, consuming apple cider vinegar can help to prevent the development of cancer cells in the colon, bladder, and prostate.